…of vitamin enriched, geneologically purveyed & withstand!…



…”Vancouver Aquarium going to court in bid to resume breeding whales, dolphins, porpoises”…”Facekinis-head-covering swimwear. a hit on China’s beaches, gets notice from Western fashionistas”…”Three farmers’ markets superfoods that pack a vitamin punch”…

Headlines on a summer Thursday!…

Since Vancouver’s Parks Board recently imposed restrictions on just what the Vancouver Aquarium can and cannot do, a judicial review has been asked for in the highly contentious debate over the ethics of keeping ‘cetaceans’ in captivity.

Interesting to note that at the current time the Aquarium has but two beluga whales, two Pacific white-sided dolphins, all of the same sex, and only two harbour porpoises, of opposite sex, but “still juveniles and would not be able to mate for some time.”

In the meantime, while the Aquarium is undergoing some renovations, apparently it’s hoped that, once finished, they could bring back some of the five belugas on loan to American facilities and let the mating games begin!…

Cheers to protecting endangered species, opportunities for learning, research & study, respecting nature and natural environments and at the same time think twice about segregating animals just to comply with perhaps less than well thought out ‘political’ pronouncements!…


Now that’s a new word to me!…scary stuff! : )

Apparently, “The New York-based magazine CR Fashion Book, which is edited by a former Vogue Paris editor has a spread titled “Masking in the Sun: A hidden retreat in this season’s swimwear.”

Cheers to—I don’t think so!…so much for “pale skin beautiful & prevention of the nipping of sea crabs at the face”…

Indeed the August days of summer are “peak produce season” for our much beloved farmers’ markets!

An adventurous article suggests currants, gooseberries & tomatillos as less familiar, but worthy of seeking out this summer season for a punch of natural vitamins sustenance!

Cheers to you for a thriving ‘throwback thirsty Thursday’ that has you thinking—let’s face it, the gentility, polish & refinement that’s in your breeding is far from supplementary!!

Vitamin enriched!

Genealogically purveyed!


Seize the day sings–I can do anything!


poppypuppyGrey is the “shade of the decade” and “embodies the spirit of the post-boom era.”

So say the interior design experts and fashionistas of our day!…

Be it shop floors, apartment walls, or fine fashion, cheers to “functional & flattering” & “grey brings other more adventurous colours to life!”…

Will there be grey poupon in your today?

Be it mustard, grapes or pumpkin, ’tis the season of seeds that sings Springtime!

Grey skies and the short dark days of winter are bursting into sunshine and longer brighter days and germinating seeds! (unless you were in Toronto yesterday-snow!)

I think it was Robert Louis Stevenson who once said “don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
Sage food for thought in the season of growth, new life & insights anew!

Someone once said “a seed is the kernel of what you are, and also the promise of what you can become!”
My first thought is yes yes, we can all see a fine example of that in Col. Harland Sanders & his KFC bucket!…

Perhaps you remember too, a childhood ditty that goes something like “thanks be for the things I need, the sun, the rain and the apple seed”…

A grandmother and lover of gardening once told me she thought our thoughts can be like seeds and she often wondered in her thinking, if she was planting weeds or flowers…

I remember thinking at the time, there was flower wisdom in that thought!

So much of life’s flourishing can be dependent on our attitudes and mindset.

Do we need to be more conscious about weeding out some of our judgmental condemning ways, our sometimes–the cup is half-empty thinking, and shake ourselves from the seeming scarcities and disonnances in a day?

Could our Springtime 2014 be quite different if we conscientiously live each day in a mindset of blossoming peace, abundance and love and in togetherness, try to sing more in harmony among the communities we so cherish?

Me thinks a young puppy can be a great visual to highlight some of these thoughts!

…and they call puppy…


Cheers to a poppy seed muffin with your tea/coffee today! : )

…Friday riddle…

In earlier years some might have said that a Vancouverite’s resourcefulness begins here in the city that is part of my name.

Central to this riddle, you will be fine knowing that I am one of the branches.

They say “when in Rome do as the Romans do” so if you are wandering along Robson Street be especially observant of things that kinda sorta maybe remind you of home.

CFF”s (Community female fashionistas) sometimes subliminally or subconsciously recollect thoughts of visible panty line here.

As the policeman referenced the young boy, “you will find alot of them under cover there”.

What am I?

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