…of fun…


Fun to see today’s ‘google doodle’ celebrating the 360th birthday of Bartolomeo Cristofori, believed widely, to be the inventor of the piano around 1709.
His version was referred to during his lifetime as a harpsichord and was considered innovative for its ability to play soft and loud as a result of a hammer mechanism.

Soft and loud….piano et forte


…”By the Numbers: BMO Marathon grows up”…”A consummate wedding night letdown is far from unusual”…”

Fun to see yesterday’s BMO Marathon in Vancouver taking over the city!

From humble beginnings in 1972, they say it’s now one of the best in the world, unique for its spectacular views for 70% of the course route.
Starting in Queen Elizabeth Park, the race ended in the downtown core at Pender & Bute under clear sunny skies.
“A magical experience for the runners“, according to organizers.

Fun to note that “The wedding is a big party to celebrate a life milestone but the actual act of having it consummated has gone the way of the dodo,” according to wedding planners. “Weddings are now expensive, multiday events. By the time the wedding day rolls around people are pretty well dead – they sleep.”

An expert is someone who tells you a simple thing in a confused way in such a fashion as to make you think the confusion is your own fault. ~William Castle

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. ~Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes

Without geography, you’re nowhere. ~Author Unknown

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~Author Unknown

Cheers to a fun day Monday!!!


…of guarantees, tipples, & inactivity…

As the Jessie award nominations are announced for another year for Vancouver’s theatre scene, another upstart small theatre company is offering a “money back guarantee” for one of its upcoming shows!…..interesting concept!….

Indeed, I think the idea of continuing with a half empty house after intermission is likely an unlikely prospect…..

Cheers to “as you like it!”…..

“Tightcaps: what’s your late night nipple?”….so asks a headline where the editors, perhaps had one too many and  missed a typo….”Nightcaps: what’s your late night tipple?” goes on to describe a competition that revealed a bunch of tipples that are totally new to me!….not sure why that whole topic has me thinking about Tiny Tim and his ukelele singin’—-tipple toe through the tulips with me!…..

On a heavier note, they say that diriving the kids to school and everywhere else is woreening Canada’s obesity epidemic.   Whatever happened to walk, don’t run and have some fun along the way, I wonder?…

According to the study, 58% of parents involved walked to school when they were kids and that number has now dwindled to 28%. Time, money, and safety are the three key barrers to kids being more physically active, it goes on to say. 

Cheers to a super Wednesday that shouts “activate!”…..





…Friday riddle…

Today’s riddle answer has been nominated as one of Canada’s “great places.”  And also “great public spaces.”

In this year of the Dragon it will also be the venue for exhibitions of traditional and contemporary artifacts featuring dragons.

Filled with energy but also offering quiet moments for contemplation this space is characterized by the assymetrical arrangement of rocks and plants, winding paths, vistas overlooking courtyards, and an oasis that emulates the rhythyms of nature.

Vancouver can boast this space is the first full-size of it’s kind outside of China.

Summed up, it is intended to be a part of the local community place where not only understanding between Chinese and western cultures not only grows.

_ _ _    _ _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _


…Friday riddle…

Today’s riddle answer is about someone who’s been playing a recognized role in Vancouver’s history since 2008.

An ESL student might mistakenly associate a descriptive of this individual with a female equine varietal over the age of three.  To confuse the issue, that Canadian coat of arms motto  “Ad mari usque ad mare”–from seas to sea, might be useful!   At least they look the same, the descriptive that is, not the individual!


Associating jewels in our city with this personage, one might choose an emerald.  Correlating initiative, one might say… “home sweet home”.  and musing on things terrestrial…. “happy”.

Are you any closer to fulfilling your civic duty to correctly answer this riddle?  Be gregarious in it!

Just have a guess now and take a hint from  those reporters on CTV news who used to often say  “good night Lloyd!”.

_ _ _ _ _ _    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


…Friday riddle…

I am an annual event in Vancouver that culminates a multitude of events around our beautiful city.

Some have even called me an extravaganza that is one of the biggest and the best in the metropolis.

No it’s not the Canadian Business Association of Valuators that organizes me although we would share the same acronym.

Imbibing “Cowtown” spectators may mistake part of me as the largest assembly of line dancers in Canada to which others more mane stream might roar!

In an attempt to solve me, if you start at the Millenium Gate in Vancouver you could be solving two birds with one stone!   Gung ho keeners to the front of the array!

Solving this riddle could be said to be all about “orientation”, “fresh beginnings”, “basilisk spectacles”.

Cheers to slayin’ the puzzler!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _     _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _


…Friday riddle…

Today’s riddle answer is a Vancouver street name and will be a piece of cake for folks familiar with things British.  Don’t be gobsmacked!

Those who’ve been around the block a time or two might take a hint from Canada’s first prime minister who’s birthday was marked just this past Wednesday.   Think neighbouring.

Ever so funny how the app foursquare indicator for adjacent says “not Nelson Street.”  Lordy.

Fancy that, both a Vancouver learning establishment & an eatery share traits titular.

Crikey, you think this is seeming easy?   Blimey!

Don’t be knackered now, just take a guess!   Not your cup of tea you say?!….


No throwing a wobbler.  Feeling sorted about it presently?!……just be a scribe with your answer:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Jolly good weekend!


…Friday riddle…

FCF—for Christmas fun or something uniquely Vancouver,  I can provide access to one of the most vibrant areas of the city!

Lovers of mini-mouse, mini-donuts, mini-burgers and all things mini would likely find me loveable too.

It’s true that travelling to a popular shopping and entertainment area in the city can be parking hassle free assisted by me.

Would it make it easier to solve this riddle if you knew that there are ten of me?!  Answers can be so fleeting.

Aficionados of water and “cab-ernets” have been said to be relieved to know of my existence after a time of indulgence.

I am a :

_ _ _ _ _       _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _ _


…Friday riddle…

Until 1912 I was a Vancouver neighbourhood known as Brewery Creek.  During discussions that were often laughable rather than affable,  it was decided to change my name to something  more jolly.  (Now that’s a word that is in keeping with the holiday spirit!)

It’s just a short “commute” to the downtown core but in fact I was considered Vancouver’s first suburb at the time.  Nowadays, many first-time homeowners, young professionals and families consider my location more superb than suburb.

Dog walkers delight that I am able to boast of 9 parks within my boundaries…..Tea Swamp, Sahali, Guelph, Robson, Major Matthews, &  Jonathan Rogers, just to name a few!  (now that’s gotta be a giveaway clue!…you have heard of Stanley though, right?!)  Stanley’s famous but not part of me.

Some people describe me as being home to the “arty types”.  There once was an Art who took a prominent seat within my boundaries, so much so  that he was referred to as “Your Worship” some of the time.

A half-baked and final clue to who I am might be that North Shore residents believe they can see more! (Nice remark)

I am:

_ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


…Friday riddle…

Hurricane Freda in the 1960’s was the catalyst to giving me life in Vancouver.

Many say some of my uniqueness can be in the seasoning.

I am known for a great view to many twinkles under the stars on a cold & clear Vancouver December night.

I go well with hot chocolate and the sounds of the holiday season.  Visitors to me have no excuse to all be bored.

While kids might where training pants, parents sometimes might feel there’s some loco in their motives for lots of the logistics involved in  a visit to me.  Park.  Queue.  Wow, so many clues here!

Be the riddle solver that could!

Where am I?  Who am I?  If you can guess that right you’ve solved today’s riddle.

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…Friday riddle…

In earlier years some might have said that a Vancouverite’s resourcefulness begins here in the city that is part of my name.

Central to this riddle, you will be fine knowing that I am one of the branches.

They say “when in Rome do as the Romans do” so if you are wandering along Robson Street be especially observant of things that kinda sorta maybe remind you of home.

CFF”s (Community female fashionistas) sometimes subliminally or subconsciously recollect thoughts of visible panty line here.

As the policeman referenced the young boy, “you will find alot of them under cover there”.

What am I?

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