…of ‘festive foods’, Queen & heir, & rain…


….”Yule love these: Top Ten Festive Food Traditions in Europe”…”Newly released photographic portrait of the Queen features Prince Charles as guest star”…”Vancouver White Christmas in jeopardy”…

SOMETHING ABOUT….“cinnamon biscuits in Brussels, potato-anchovy casserole in Stockholm or Christmas pudding with a twist in Copenhagen”…

SOMETHING ABOUT….“One is not amused. But the other one is. The heir to her throne, stands beside his seated mother, one hand propped in the pocket of his black dinner jacket, the other behind her back. Charles’ downward gaze of smiling affection competes for attention with the queen’s serious, forward focus”

Vancouver’s cold snap & snowy wintry weather has turned to a wet slushy mess and forecasts for rain, rain, and more rain!

So much for a White Christmas in the downtown core at least!  North shore mountain areas and some of surburbia may no doubt still retain snow on the ground through Christmas eve and Christmas day!

Cheers to a marvellous Festive Season Monday that sings—–pour on the festivity!






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