…of squid, mince pies & ‘kanji’ of the year…

smp g

….”Squid’s in!: How to cook Britain’s new national seafood”…”The world’s largest mince pie factory-in pictures”…”December 12th is Japan’s Kanji Day”…


SOMETHING ABOUT….“if climate change’s silver lining is that we get more cephalopods on our plate, we should at least do them justice and cook them properly”“low and slow or fast & hot.”

SOMETHING ABOUT“being in Bamsley, UK and producing 720 pies a minute rolling off 3 production lines.”


SOMETHING ABOUT“the day to choose ‘Kanji of the year’, a Japanese character chosen by the Japanese Kanji Proficiency Society, to represent best, the events of the year means “GOLD”, representative of the high number of gold medals won at the 2016 Rio Olympics, the shift to minus interest (“interest rate” is “kinri” in Japanese), Trump’s U.S. presidential election victory, and Piko Taro, a singer of ‘PPAP’, who’s known for wearing a gold-colored animal print outfit.”

Cheers to another marvellous Advent Festive Season Monday that sings—HOPE, PEACE, & JOY & smiles–‘1st rate: go for the gold’ !!!

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